Free survey to gauge patrons’ thoughts on your crisis response

In a crisis situation, like the one everyone is experiencing with Covid-19, things can change at the drop of a hat. As district leaders, you are the ones everyone depends on to motivate them to stay positive and feel safe.

Getting immediate feedback from your stakeholders about how you are responding to this crisis helps to validate your decision-making. It allows you to make immediate tweaks to your home learning strategies, communications and overall crisis response – to ensure the success of your students – while showing your patrons you value their opinion.

We know you are under a lot of pressure – with many moving parts – and don’t have time to add one more task to your plate. Let us help you gather quick feedback through a short, free patron survey.

Our five-question survey will focus on the district’s effectiveness with communications and home/distance learning. You can choose to send the survey to whichever patrons you desire: parents, staff, students and/or the community. We will provide promotional copy you can use when sending out the survey link to your patrons. When the survey closes, we will provide you with a basic report of your results.

Contact us today to get started on your survey! Email or call Rick Nobles at or 913-484-0920.

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