MARE Conference: Tips for future strategic planning

The ExcellenceK12 model for strategic planning was the discussion topic during the first round of breakout sessions at the Missouri Association of Rural Education (MARE) Annual Conference on October 23.

Rick Nobles and Brad Stefanoni engaged educators in an outcomes-oriented discussion of how ExcellenceK12 works with school districts to ensure a broad cross-section of stakeholders participates in the strategic planning process.

Participants walked away with five key takeaways to help them plan for a future strategic plan in their school districts:

  1. Engage a diverse cross-section of stakeholders, as you never know where great ideas may be born.
  2. Ensure multiple validation of ideas throughout all the stakeholder groups to synthesize ideas that the majority of patrons share and to eliminate those shared by only a single group with a narrow agenda.
  3. Watch out for “C.A.V.E. dwellers,” or citizens against virtually everything. While it can be easy to discount this group of “Debbie Downers,” most often, the people who vote are the ones who vote, “No.”
  4. Keep your plan manageable with three to five main goals that align with the ideas of the majority of stakeholders.
  5. Follow through – after the plan has been developed– to make a real, positive change for your school district. Keep your plan a frequent agenda item and communicate successes and challenges regularly. We recommend (and provide) an annual update of the five-year plan as part of our process.

For more information on how ExcellenceK12 can help your school district plan strategically and plan for success, call Rick Nobles at (913) 484-0920.  

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