What does your brand feel like?

Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

She was right. When you boil it down, a brand is the culmination of everything everyone has ever felt about your school district.

As such, you have a myriad of touch points that impact those feelings. Every phone call, every visit, every Facebook post, and every conversation matters. Your brand is on the line every single time.

One of the ways you can control your brand is through managing your internal culture. Your brand is a reflection of your internal culture. If you don’t have your arms around what’s happening in your buildings, it’s very hard to impact your brand’s trajectory.

A Climate and Culture Study will give you crucial data to make course corrections, as your brand toddles down that great highway of life. If there are internal issues that are usurping the good vibrations you know your staff wants to deliver, you simply must know about those issues. Even your best teachers and staff are not immune to a toxic atmosphere.

It’s your job to monitor that atmosphere and make the necessary changes to fix it.

If you are ready to get started on a Climate and Culture Study, ExcellenceK12 can help!

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