What pre-election surveys can tell you

If you are talking to your Board of Education about the advisability of conducting a pre-election phone survey to determine whether your long-term facility ideas will be received favorably, below is good information to have.

Five things a pre-election survey can tell you:

  1. Where your brand stands. By asking your patrons to “grade” your district on a variety of subjects you can learn how patrons perceive you. Comparing those perceptions to other districts in your region or the Midwest will give you an excellent idea of how your brand is doing.
  2. What ideas for growth patrons approve of and don’t approve of. Asking patrons to preselect the ideas you want to take to the ballot box will help you avoid an unfortunate loss. Knowing certain “hot button” ideas, like a performing arts center, practice gym, or field turf might totally derail your other plans will help you configure your bond issue question(s) to get a winning result.
  3. Tax tolerance. Once upon a time, no-tax-increase bond issues were a safe bet, but that time has passed. Today, people are often vocal about what you are doing. Measuring tax tolerance in advance gives you the upper hand in crafting a winning bond issue.
  4. Communication sources. While your district works hard to educate your patrons about your organization, alternative communication resources are commonly accessed. “Friend and neighbors” are almost always the number one source people turn to, followed by social media, such as Facebook. Knowing where and when to communicate to your patrons will help you put on a winning campaign.
  5. Demographics. Who is more supportive, young people or elderly people? What about long-time patrons vs. people who have only lived in the district for five years or less? Using an online dashboard to sort and study demographics gives you a wealth of information about your patrons to help you both craft your ballot language and put on a winning campaign.

Ready to find out what your pre-election survey can tell you? Contact Rick Nobles at 913-484-0920 or rick@excellencek12.com to get started.

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