Leadership in a nutshell

If you Google the word “leadership,” you’ll get more than 4 trillion responses, with many of those focusing on the meaning of “leadership” or the definition of “leadership.”

With so many pundits weighing in, I thought I’d add my two cents. For me, leadership is all about three things:

  1. Vision. If you are a leader, you have a vision or a dream of where you want to take your organization and/or your flock. Ideally, that vision is inspirational in your followers getting excited about the idea of going where you want to lead them.
  2. Communication. You can’t lead without good communication skills. Period. You must have the ability to not only explain your vision, but to compel people to share in that dream.
  3. Action. Great leaders tend to lead by example. Taking the action you want to see in others offers a blueprint for how to achieve your vision. Sometimes that looks like plain old hard work, and sometimes it looks like a leap of faith. But you can’t achieve anything sitting on the sidelines.

That’s it – pretty simple but not always easy to do.

What attributes do you think constitute leadership? Drop me a note at rick@excellencek12.com.

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