Take a ‘deep dive’ into your district through a climate and culture study

Looking to do a “deep dive” into what is really happening in the various buildings around your school district? Now, is the time to do a climate and culture study.

These surveys provide you with contextual data, so both students and staff may perform at optimum levels.

Topics include leadership performance, teacher/staff performance, building atmosphere, substance abuse, discipline, technology, and more.

We’ve conducted numerous climate and culture studies and offer a sliding scale, so districts of all sizes can afford this service.

Our climate and culture study is based on questions developed for the (federal) Department of Education by the American Institutes for Research. We feel these questions are the standard for best practices in K-12 climate and culture studies.

Consisting of four separate online surveys for staff, students (as young as fifth grade), parents, and the community, our format allows for question overlap as well as stand-alone questions.

Robust and detailed climate and culture studies are “must-have” data tools for districts who are leading the way in modern K-12 education.

Check out this climate and culture study dashboard example.

Join a growing list of school districts who have conducted a climate and culture study from our group. Contact ExcellenceK12 today!

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