Guest Article: Never stop dreaming

Superintendents dream big: new buildings, performing arts centers, stadiums, and one-to-one initiatives. Whatever it takes to improve the educational experience for their “kids” is exactly what superintendents want – and go after. We applaud the vision, the audacity, and the effort – and we want to help. We have been exceedingly fortunate to work with some of the biggest dreamers in the Midwest and have helped hundreds achieve their dreams. If you have a dream, please share it with us, and we’ll do everything we can to help you get there.

In the meantime, enjoy reading about Dr. Desi Kirchhofer’s dream for his kids at the Northwest School District in House Springs, Mo.

No one would have ever dreamed of the way the last three school years have unfolded. 

Let’s face it – COVID just stinks! It has made its impact globally and continues to plague the nation, particularly the school setting.

School districts across the country have tried to navigate what might be best for their students, their families, and for public health, in general. Fair or not, it is what superintendents are dealing with all while being further entangled by a very intense and fragile political climate. To put it bluntly – it can be a nightmare.

Yet, that is where leadership matters the most. While the empathetic leaders have been haunted by sleepless nights and worrisome dreams of what might happen, they know others count on them to provide hope and support for their biggest dreams. Our students need us now more than ever.

Whether it is students, staff, and/or parents, they look to leaders for a vision and dream of a better future. Superintendents are teachers who started their careers with a dream of helping others succeed. That dream does not change and does not waiver regardless of the circumstances.

COVID or not, the leader’s role is to bring back the big picture and focus on why we do what we do. It is all about helping others succeed.

It is not about one dream; it is about millions. Each student and every family has a different dream, and leaders try to create every avenue for those dreams to come true.

The dream for all school leaders is to see students succeed. This looks like students and graduates who are happy, healthy, and content with who they are. This happens by creating a culture of belonging and making sure everyone knows, understands, and believes in the value they bring to the school and community. The dream is to cultivate a culture where students are comfortable and know they are appreciated.

Every day must be seen as an opportunity to grow and improve…in all areas. It is a daunting concept, but that has to be the approach. While facing challenges, a leader must be intentional about seeing the growth opportunity and that, in the end, an organization and individuals will come out better and stronger as a result of those challenges. Even when faced with adversity and unprecedented challenges, the dream remains the same – student success.

Dream big, my friends. Our students are counting on it.

Article by: Dr. Desi Kirchhofer, Northwest School District superintendent

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