When people ask who our competition is, our immediate response is the DIY school districts.
Many research tools are readily available to school districts – and some take advantage of the cost savings by doing their own in-house research. In fact, we often encourage our clients to DIY projects that don’t require our expertise.
However, there are two scenarios where a professional research firm, like ExcellenceK12, is the better option.
The first is when you need statistically valid information through quantitative research to determine whether to put forth a bond in the spring 2021 election. For this, it is best do a random-digit-dial phone survey of a group of patrons representing all areas of your district population. And the best way to ensure statistically valid results and a win at the ballot box is with a pro’s assistance.
The second is if you want to determine how your key stakeholders (staff, students, parents and community) feel about the current climate in your school buildings, including leadership and staff performance, discipline, technology and more.
While you could do a DIY survey, having a third-party firm, like ExcellenceK12, conduct a climate study for you will ensure the anonymity of your audience’s responses and will garner honest and accurate results.
If you can DIY and get the results you need, we encourage you to go for it.
However, if you need help from a pro, drop us an email at rick@ExcellenceK12.com or call us at 913-484-0920.