How much time do you spend managing your patrons’ perceptions?

We’re going to go out on a limb and assume nobody has asked you that question today – or ever. Managing perception is probably not one of the classes you took when getting your degree(s) in education.

Things are changing every day in this brave new world of 2020. This fall, as your schools open, virtually or in person – you will have patron naysayers and supporters comment in full force about your reentry processes and procedures – and it will last well into the semester.

Our Perception Management Dashboard takes a deep dive into Facebook and Twitter to rate the sentiment, or feelings, of an individual’s posts/tweets – parents and the community. We track this by gathering posts from school district and community Facebook pages and Twitter feeds.

Sentiment is the leading indicator of perception. If sentiment is negative, perception will be negative. And with Facebook being the #1 place your patrons are sharing their opinions about your district, the Perception Management Dashboard is just the tool you need to understand if positive, negative or neutral conversations are taking place.

But we won’t leave you hanging in how to interpret the dashboard’s data. Our team will collect the data, review the information, and send you a weekly report with suggestions on how your district might modify its communications to respond to the current perceptions of your patrons.

Are you ready to glance into the perceptions or “sentiment” of your patrons to help you better manage the conversation this fall? Contact Rick Nobles at or 913-484-0920.

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