Communicating with your patrons during a crisis

In this time of uncertainty, some of the most vulnerable are our children and their families. How you respond to and communicate with them about Covid-19 – and the steps you are taking to ensure their education continues – will leave a lasting impression.

Your school district is looking to you, district leaders, for clarity and reassurance. They need to know that something – anything – is providing consistency in this time of unrest.

For school superintendents, this means reaching out to your patrons to reassure them you’re on top of the situation and letting them know your plans and progress. They need assurance you are prepared for whatever curveball the pandemic throws next. 

We suggest you communicate in expanding concentric circles, starting with your Board of Education and executive leadership team. Then, communicate with your staff, your students and parents, and finally, your community.

Make sure everyone hears the same message. Make sure you have a feedback mechanism in place, so you can be certain that what was heard was what you meant to communicate.

Be honest. Be transparent. Be succinct. 

Some of the ways you might communicate include:

  • Creating a video or series of videos addressing patrons directly – published everywhere.
  • Communicating electronically – email, e-newsletter – with your patrons.
  • Gathering your Citizens Advisory Committee via Skype or Zoom.
  • Conducting a brief online survey to gather patron feedback on key issues – what’s working and what’s not. 
  • Providing regular updates to patrons through social media.

Get your messaging out quickly and don’t leave a gap in your communication efforts. The more you communicate with your patrons, the more they will trust in you – and your leadership – to get everyone through this crisis together.

We’re always here to offer assistance – and we never charge for crisis communication advice.

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