Considering doing a school bond election? Now is the time.

If you’re considering a tax election in the next couple of years, spring 2020 is your best bet to get something passed. Fall 2020 will be all about the presidential election and everyone in America will be voting – including millions who are anti-education.


I suggest avoiding that time frame at all costs. Spring 2021 is likely to be in the first 100 days of a new president’s administration. As has been seen with both Presidents Obama and Trump, those first couple of months can be pretty rocky – and not the best time to be asking your patrons to pass a school bond.

That takes you to fall 2021 – two years from now – and nobody can predict what the political climate will be like.

For a bond issue next spring, now is the time to do a pre-election survey.

Success at the ballot box comes from getting a better understanding of how you are perceived by the voting public, what kind of ballot proposals people are willing to support and how much money they are willing to invest.

I’ve helped more than 150 districts generate more than $7.2 billion in new tax revenues by doing statistically reliable telephone surveys. The projection accuracy is 97%.

If you are ready now to get all the information you need to make an informed, data-driven decision, contact me at (913) 484-0920 or

If you’re considering a tax election in the next couple of years, spring 2020 is your best bet to get something passed. Fall 2020 will be all about the presidential election and everyone in America will be voting – including millions who are anti-education.

