Guest column by Lonnie MoserSuperintendent, Hiawatha Schools USD 415 I’m not sure there is a better season than autumn. The fall colors in Hiawatha, known as the city of beautiful maples, is a sight to behold, and schools are fully engaged in their purpose. As we near the end of…
Have you considered the similarities between playing golf and passing a bond issue? In golf, there is quite a bit of information you need to know before teeing off on the first hole. Some of that information is visual. You can see the fairway and (often) see the green. The…
One way to give your brand a boost of positive attention is to work with other local brands to enhance your market. Economic Development groups, Departments of Tourism, Chambers of Commerce, and other entities are ripe pickings for joint efforts to help your and their brand. So, you might consider…
Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” She was right. When you boil it down, a brand is the culmination of everything everyone has ever felt about your…
Don’t lose your raving fans For simplicity’s sake, let’s define brand as the cumulative feeling people have when they interact with your district. People tend not to remember specific incidents, but they will always remember how you made them feel. People who have fond memories of their interactions with the…
When I voted on the Jackson County, Mo. sales tax to fund a new stadium for the Kansas City Royals, I noticed something interesting that is common every time I go vote. I’m always the youngest person there. And I’m not talking about the volunteers (who are also older); I’m…